What is medicare?

Medicare is our country’s health insurance program for people age 65 or older, and who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States. People younger than age 65 with certain disabilities, or permanent kidney failure, or catastrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), can also qualify for Medicare.​

A portion of the payroll taxes paid by workers and their employers cover most Medicare expenses. Monthly premiums, usually deducted from Social Security checks also cover a portion of the costs.

Who is eligible for Medicare?

People age 65 or older, who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States, are eligible for Medicare Part A. You’re eligible for Part A at no cost at age 65 if you meet requirements. If you don’t meet these requirements, you may be able to get Medicare Part A by paying a monthly premium. Usually, you can purchase this coverage only during designated enrollment periods.​

Anyone who’s eligible for Medicare Part A at no cost can enroll in Medicare Part B by paying a monthly premium. Some people with higher incomes will pay a higher monthly Part B premium. If you’re not eligible for Part A at no cost, you can buy Part B, without having to buy Part A.

How to choose a right Medicare Plan?

For many people that are eligible for Medicare, just beginning to look over all of the different types of health care coverage can be very confusing. As you know, having options is often a very good thing. But with all of the health care plans available, how do you make a decision that will be right for you?

Those that have reviewed the many options with Medicare know that it is simply nothing but choices. Depending upon your situation, you may decide to stay with traditional Medicare. Or, you may take a look at a Medicare Advantage plan.

With all the options that Medicare includes, many people just give up due to confusion. Fortunately, help is available. To get the most out of your health care insurance choices, you should be advised by a knowledgeable source.

A Medicare adviser offers information and guidance on available Medicare programs, detailed action plans tailored to your situation, and answers all of your questions.

BESTCARE will help you at no cost to find out your best plan.

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